Maybe I’m a bit late to the game on this one, but I just discovered PwnFox and it’s probably one of my favorite tools yet.

So what is PwnFox? To put it simply, it’s a BurpPro extension that works with Firefox. It accomplishes two things:

  1. Helps containerize up to 8 (yes that’s right… 8!) different sessions within one browser
  2. Organizes all your proxied traffic in Burp BY COLOR!

I’ll get to #2 in a second.

I’m a sucker for manual exploitation. Not because I don’t believe in automation or any of that (believe me, I do)… but I like to have granular control over what’s going on sometimes. This is a great tool for just that.

Whether you use Firefox or the built-in Chromium browser within Burp, I’m sure it’s been at least a few times where you’ve noticed that you have your browser, and then you can also open a new incognito window and have a different session.

Usually that’s where it stops.

Even if you open another incognito browser, chances are that it will pull/share cookies from the other incognito browser (annoying, yes).

Enter PwnFox:

Look at how beautiful that is. Notice the different colors at the top of each tab. Everything’s organized in one window, and each “color” tab has its own containerized session/cookies.

And when you navigate in each tab and have your traffic proxied in Burp, it’s color-coded for you!

So no more going through each request to see which request belongs to what session. Being able to identify the tab/correlated session is huge!

This allows you to send a request to repeater and hot-swap cookies much easier… so yes, finding IDORs has become 10x more efficient.

Not to mention, if you’re testing a webapp, now you can test more than 2 sessions/roles at a time!

Sold on it yet? Ok cool. Here’s the set-up:

  1. Head to and download the extension for Firefox and install it.

  2. Now head to and download the PwnFox.jar file.

  3. In Burp, head to Extender and import the PwnFox.jar file.

  4. Now, in Firefox, turn the proxy on (via the PwnFox icon) and click any of the container “colors”:

And you’re done! You should be able to see the color-coded traffic in your Burp proxy history!

Curious how it works?

The container actually adds an “X-PwnFox-Color” header to each request… this is how Burp knows what color to highlight each request. Simple, yet brilliant.

A few bugs I’ve noticed:

  • You may need to restart Firefox and Burp in order for it to work properly
  • If you change the container “name”, this may break the colors showing up in Burp. Just leave the default names as is (ex. PwnFox-blue).

There are other features I still need to explore (such as that Toolbox feature) but save that for another day.

Shout outs:

  • @BitK for creating PwnFox
  • Cesar for introducing this awesome tool to me

Adeeb Shah | hyd3sec